• Question: Have any of you ever read the Itch seiries by simon mayo? Its about a teen element collector that finds a new, highly radioactive element. Could element 126 exist?

    Asked by anon-187186 to Stewart, Miriam, Marton, Laura, Kathryn, David on 13 Nov 2018.
    • Photo: Stewart Martin-Haugh

      Stewart Martin-Haugh answered on 13 Nov 2018:

      I haven’t read it, but it sounds fun!

      I read one of the Mistborn books a while ago:
      It has quite a fun invented chemistry for different metals that can do magic. A lot of books with magic don’t pay attention to detail about how it works: it’s more fun if they do.

    • Photo: Laura Kent

      Laura Kent answered on 13 Nov 2018:

      I havent read it and I think as a chemist I do not know how I missed it! thank you for the recommendation!

    • Photo: David Ho

      David Ho answered on 13 Nov 2018:

      I’ve never heard of it but I’ll check it out! After a bit of quick research it seems that because of the mathematical equations governing how elements decay, element 126 might be more stable than other, lighter elements. It would be part of a group called the “Island of stability” (https://www.thoughtco.com/island-stability-discovering-new-superheavy-elements-4018746).

      I don’t study much chemistry so I can’t tell you any more, but it sounds like a good thing to write a book about!
